Twintec - concrete flooring specialists      Research & Engineering

Published on 12 February 2018

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Twintec provides a personal product through a total offer concept with a high level of performance, environmental sustainability and aesthetics worldwide.

In the first of a series of short articles, we look at how Twintec Group offer a total offer concept to their customers worldwide to achieve their vision. The complete Design-Build-Guarantee in-house service goes far beyond the industry norm, offering a level of support, quality assurance and peace of mind which has established the company as the world’s leading industrial concrete flooring contractor.



At the end of 2016 Twintec Group centralised all the engineering expertise of the individual Twintec entities to create the Research & Engineering Centre of Excellence drawing on the vast experience and technical knowledge available within the existing framework of the Group worldwide.


The scope of the Research & Engineering Centre was defined to cover design, material behaviour and performance, new product development, construction techniques and equipment innovation.

Under the leadership of Richard Groen, the R&E Centre initially focused on centralising all relevant design regulations and standards and creating the needed scripts for the use of, for example, the Diana FEA (Finite Element Analysis) program.

The implementation of specialist software and associated training enables the team to determine short and long term settlement and deformation of ground bearing and slabs on piles.Testing 2.jpg

Working in conjunction with specialist material suppliers for steel, steel fibres, concrete admixtures and concrete enables incorporation of the precise material characteristics into the designs, resulting in total freedom in material and design choices, giving the optimum tailor-made solution.

Twintec designs for applications including automated storage, coldstores, raft and structural foundations in accordance with:

Eurocodes, Model Code 2010, Cur guidelines, TR34, ACI, FEM

As a worldwide flooring specialist, the Twintec Group R&E Centre takes into account for all designs the local availability and quality of materials in addition to specific local circumstances e.g. temperature, humidity, seismic conditions, etc.

The Team

Working closely in association with Richard Groen are Etienne Alexandre, Chief Design Engineer Testing.jpgand  Andre Rijswijk, Senior Design and Research Engineer, who bring with them a wealth of experience in concrete floor slab design. In addition, and importantly for local developments, the team draws on the experiences of fellow design engineers, materials and construction specialists based throughout the Twintec Group worldwide.

The Twintec assurance guarantee is underpinned by the commitment of the Research and Engineering department to design/materials innovation and continuous improvement.
Contact us for more information on Twintec design solutions for your project: 
View case studies of Twintec projects worldwide


Twintec Group Brochure
Posted by Ruth Waugh
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