Why choose a specialist for your industrial concrete floor?

Published on 20 September 2019

Finished Floor

Finished Floor

When deciding upon your new warehouse floor, there are various factors to consider.  Twintec is a specialist industrial flooring contractor with the expertise to advise. By finding out exactly what you need from your floor, we can design the floor slab to meet your specific individual requirements.  We not only design and build the floor, we guarantee our product too, with the unique total offer concept Design . Build . Guarantee.



The influence a specialist contractor can have during the design and specification stages of a scheme should not be underestimated as being of great value to all parties. Design concepts, materials and methods of construction are carefully considered with all parties without compromising functionality and the operational requirements of the client. Within Twintec we have our own highly experienced design team and, by working together with you, we are able to produce a value-engineered design to meet your current and future requirements. 

In the case of industrial concrete flooring, this would include advising on slab thickness and reinforcement types to ensure the most appropriate option is selected.  Value engineering offers significant advantages when looking at pile supported ground floor slabs where pile types, pile spacing and other interfaces such as edge beams can be considered to deliver an optimal design solution. 


Our experienced skilled workers, specially designed state-of-the-art equipment and high grade materials ensure the floor is completed with rigorous quality control and attention to detail. Nothing is left to chance.  Twintec is your partner in industrial flooring. 


Twintec provide an extensive Product Liability Insurance covering the design and workmanship of the floor slab.  An extra layer of comfort for the end user.

Warehouses and more.....

Whatever the requirements of your floor - whether it be a warehouse, coldstoreexternal hardstanding, recycling facility, exhibition hall, data centre, heavy equipment, aircraft hanger, retail unit, self storage facility - Twintec will have previous experience to bring to the project.

For example, for a free movement or VNA warehouse, by taking into consideration slab trafficking, specific MHE equipment, storage and racking, stock movement and future use of the building, we will ensure the concrete floor slab meets your individual needs.

Visit our website https://www.twintecgroup.com/products for more information on each of our products.

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In conclusion, Twintec has the specialist knowledge to provide you with a floor slab to meet your specific current and future operational needs.  Industrial concrete floors, it’s what we do.

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Posted by Lesley Graham
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Topics: Warehouse, "specialist"