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Automated storage and retrieval systems, or ASRS, were first used in Europe due to high labor, land and fuel prices associated with locating distribution facilities in urban areas. Economics dictated taller buildings, as high as 110-feet with 70-foot pallet racks and aisles as narrow as 4 feet. Those same economic trends are now in place in the United States and parts of Canada and facilities similar to those seen on the Continent are being built here.
Building Floor Slabs for ASRS Companies
Facility managers looking for an ASRS concrete floor slab construction provider that will build a new flooring system can turn to Twintec Kalman Floor Company, Inc. We install reinforced concrete slabs and elevated concrete flooring for businesses belonging in the Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems sector.
When we get to work on your flooring system, we install it to your specifications and preferences. We don’t take shortcuts by choosing a template. Instead, we visit your site and construct a concrete floor that’s ideal for your facility. The concrete slabs deliver excellent value; they’re easy to clean, and they last a long time
Again and again, North America’s leading design-build contractors and building owners are turning to Twintec Kalman’s proven record of providing ultra-hard super-flat floors when they need to build high density, high throughput storage facilities that fully exercise an owner’s “air rights”. We can meet the most exacting standards seen in ASRS elevation envelopes, one-inch or less in variation over the entire floor.
Email us at if you are designing an ASRS facility system and require a concrete floor slab installed in your warehouse. Our sales engineers will gladly share their experience with floors (specifically in the construction of reinforced and elevated ASRS concrete slabs) and tolerances for a rack supported building, high cube utilization facility or high conventional rack storage system.
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