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Because our customers demand floors requiring minimal maintenance under extreme operating conditions, Twintec Kalman Floor Company has developed and consistently delivers the industry’s highest quality cold storage floor. Our self–polishing, abrasion resistant grocery distribution warehouse floor provides you with an optimal industrial concrete floor that withstands high traffic volume and temperature extremes with minimal cracking to avoid costly shutdowns and slowed material handling speeds.
On top of producing durable industrial flooring systems, we install concrete ground slabs for cold storage warehouses. Apart from being long-lasting, we design and construct reinforced concrete slabs and elevated concrete flooring for workers who use them for their day-to-day operations.
When we begin the construction process, we first take the time to visit your site and determine which concrete flooring is suitable for your facility. Our sales engineers, then, come up with a design and solution that meets the needs of your cold storage warehouse.
In today’s economy, you can’t afford to shut down aisles or sections of your loading dock. With 80% fewer joints than standard floors, our award–winning industrial concrete floor significantly reduces equipment maintenance costs and lift truck operator fatigue and injury. A Twintec Kalman floor can keep your cold storage grocery warehouse operating at peak efficiency. And with the industry’s best warranty, the choice is simple. Save time and save money with a Twintec Kalman Floor Company cold storage floor.
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