Twintec Kalman V-Joint®
Twintec Kalman V-Joint®
With a Twintec Kalman Floor Company industrial concrete floor, there’s less worry about concrete shrinkage over time and its impact on your company’s operations. The patented Twintec Kalman V-Joint® minimizes down time and reduces maintenance costs associated with joint refilling compared to competing floors.
When joints open up enough to accept the patented Twintec Kalman V-Joint® it is used to provide positive support, holding the joint filler at the finished floor elevation.
Twintec Kalman recommends that all construction joints be armored with steel bar.
In Twintec Kalman SC floors, construction joints are typically spaced at 100-foot centers. When the location of future aisles is not well defined, there is potential for re-racking. The back-to-back steel armor combined with the Twintec Kalman V-Joint® provides a durable riding surface for forklifts across the joint as the joint widens from concrete shrinkage.
Below is an illustration of Twintec Kalman’s recommended construction joint showing edge armor and the Twintec Kalman V-Joint®.